
Developing Verra’s Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Risk Mapping Tool

Develop Verra’s Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Risk Mapping Tool using GDAL and NumPy with TerraCarbon LLC

Deep Learning

Cropland Maps on Plane-Scope imagery Using DenseNet and U-Net at National Scales in Zambia

Created a Google Earth Engine(GEE) base labeling platform and workflow protocol. Wrote GEE API scripts to develop automation for label and imagery downloader and resample on Google Colab. Using PyTorch and scikit-learn to train and predict.

Segementation classification

Pioneer Study of Mapping Greenhouses in Westport, Massachusetts

This project developed a comprehensive greenhouse map using 2021 Mass GIS Aerial Photo and NAIP Imagery collaborated with the Boston Consulting Group. It employed segmentation classification with Mahalanobis, SVM, and SAM algorithms to create the map, leveraging the mask generated from the Mass GIS 2016 Land Cover dataset.

Web Map

3D web map to visualize buildings and utilities in Rotterdam, Netherlands

This section includes two projects written using the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript. The first project created 3D web scene with 3D building, infrastructure, and underground utility layers in ArcGIS Online and used ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript to design an interactive web map, including bookmarks, mouse hover, and pop-ups information. The second project used 2017 States Education Smart Mapping FeatureSever to create an interactive 2D web map with user-selected fields and classification methods.

Database Management

FEMA Emergency Management Data Migration In PostgreSQL

This project mined a series of FEMA Emergency Management and Disaster Datasets and designed database schema in pgAdmin. It provides crucial information needed by federal and state emergency responders and the public to evaluate resource and federal grant allocation of emergency response.

Assessing Disability Accessible Pedestrian Infrastructure in Manhattan

Explored the accessibility of pedestrian infrastructure for wheelchair users around ADA-compliant subway stations in New York City by using spatial analysis tools.

web mapping

Mapping Conflict and Social Media in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Visualized the relationship between the Ukraine conflict and social media activity using the Mapbox GL JS JavaScript library to design an interactive web map.

coastal habitat mapping

Coastal Habitat Mapping: Mangrove and Pond Aquaculture Conversion

Work on Coastal Habitat Mapping project with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Create land-use map with Mangrove, Wetland, and Pond Aquaculture by using MLP and Mahalanobis supervised classifications in TerrSet Software.


Data science programming/coding

Python, SQL, R, JavaScript, HTML5/CSS, C#

Experienced in GIS software

ESRI products (ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS StoryMaps, ArcGIS API for JavaScript), QGIS, GeoDa, and PostgreSQL/PostGIS databases

Proficient in software

Google Earth Engine, GitHub, TerrSet, Visual Studio

Hands-on experience

Spatial Analysis, Cartography, Image Classification (Supervised, Unsupervised classification), Machine Learning (Random Forest, DenseNet, UNet)


Remote Sensing Research Assistant

January 2022 - Present
Clark Labs

• Develop Verra’s Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Risk Mapping Tool using GDAL and NumPy with TerraCarbon LLC. • Write Python scripts to speed up and reduce maintenance of automated classification procedures.
• Work on Coastal Habitat Mapping project with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
• Created land-use map with Mangrove, Wetland, and Pond Aquaculture by using MLP and Mahalanobis supervised classifications.
• Clean up Deep Learning Predicting results created by the CNN module.
• Crosstab cleaning for different temporal data at the country level.

Student Assistantship in User Conference

July 2022

• Helped Esri staff with registration, technical session monitoring, video and the Esri Store.
• Learned to collaborate with people and communicate with conference attendee with passion. Work hard, play hard.


December 2015 – January 2018
Land Administration in Keelung and Taipei City Government

• Interoperated satellite and aerial images to exam illegal land use, such as illegal gravel mining.
• Appropriated public land use planning. Communicated with different bureau of government by understanding what they needed, their budget under land-use regulations.
• Assisted meetings within the Land Administration, and with GIS company to rezone all land data and correct all out-of-date spatial data into new functional zones.
• Analyzed land-use statistics and wrote annual reports.

Project Leader

September 2010 – January 2015
Taiwan Assoc. of Comprehensive Arts Development

• Led group counseling for social minority groups, including domestic violence support group and mental illness recovery group in Taiwan and China.

Vice Director

September 2003 – June 2004
Student Association of Geography Department in National Taiwan University

• Hosted events and outings to help students connect with each other.


Clark University

September 2021 - May 2023
Master of Science, Geographic Information Science

• Course: Python, Programming for GIS, Web Mapping, Geospatial Analysis With R, Spatial Database Develop, Advanced Raster, Advanced Vector
• GPA: 3.97

National Taiwan University

September 2006 - May 2010
Master of Science, Urban Geography

• Course: Urban Geography, Land Use Theory, Urban Planning
• GPA: 4.0

National Taiwan University

September 2002 - May 2006
Bachelor of Science, Geography

• Course: Remote Sensing, GIS, Statistics, Quantitative Geography, Intro to Computer Science, Calculus, Environmental Management, Geology, Topography, Physical Geography
• GPA: 3.7